If you are new to the smoking arena, then there are chances that you haven't learned about the ins and outs of every smoking technique yet. There are dozens of different ways to smoke, and very few know them personally. One of the old smoking methods is hookah smoking which has less of a cult but is growing in popularity but the majority of people do not know the exact details of hookah and this leads to many questions and comparisons between different smoking methods. One popular comparison which we hear all the time is mobile hookah. Although the comparison isn't significant, it is far from perfect. Given below is an overview by mobile hookah catering service in Atlanta about the main similarities and differences between hookahs and vaping.

About vaping: To better understand the differences between hookah and vape, we should start by clearly defining the two. Vaping involves heating an inhalable liquid, vape juice, and turning it into an aerosol. Vape juice may include products like nicotine or THC, active chemicals in tobacco and marijuana. Vapes, also called vape pens, are small portable devices that are used for vaping. These vapors can be made to look like pipes or cigarettes or designed to look like a pen or USB drive. Vaping has grown in popularity over the past ten years as it has become a cheaper, faster, and less stigmatizing way to smoke.

About hookah: Hookah smoking is smoking from a hookah. A hookah pipe uses charcoal to vaporize the hookah and pulls it through a bed of water before inhaling. A hookah pipe is usually a larger device and uses a hose as a mouthpiece. Originating in the Middle East and India, hookah has slowly become popular throughout the Western world, especially here in the United States.

Similarities: Hookah and vaping does not share everything in common, but they do have some important similarities.

Tasty Smokehouses: The first big similarity is they are both known for their inventive flavors. While you can sometimes get flavored nicotine through other methods, like the sweet taste of a swisher, there is no other smoking method that offers you as much flavor and variety as vaping or hookah. Vapes usually have heavily flavored vape pads that contain an oil or liquid containing nicotine and other flavorings that are heated by the vape pen. Hookah is also richly flavored to ensure a delicious smoking experience.

Non-Burning Smoke: Another similarity is that they both have non-burning smoke. This means that both vape and hookah do not produce smoke by burning the item but rather by heating the item until it produces smoke. The difference may not seem big, but it is actually quite significant. You can produce smoke without burning at much lower temperatures than burning resulting in less hot smoke, which in turn can be less harmful to the lungs and throat.

Differences: Per photo booth Atlanta, the biggest difference between a vape and a hookah is a hookah is any smoking device that uses water to cool and/or filter the smoke. With a hookah, your smoke moves into a bowl of water before bubbling into the hose and lungs. This makes a big difference as the water filters, cools, and condenses the clouds for hookah smoking. The vape pen on the other hand uses electric heating coils to heat the vape juice until it turns into an aerosol without using water as a cooling or filtering agent. Therefore, you may find that hookah produces a cooler, thicker, denser cloud of smoke than vape.


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